The 10 most dangerous words you could find in your inbox

How can you tell if an email may be malicious or phishing? Discover the 10 most dangerous words you could find in your inbox.

A recent study by ZeroBounce analyzed email datasets for spam detection to detect the top most dangerous and recurring words used in scam emails.

The list was compiled by feeding the large-scale email datasets into machine learning models to identify patterns and trends. A weighted score was calculated considering the appearance frequency of the word, the click-through rate (CTR), and the infection/damage rate.

Here’s the full list:

1) Money

‘Money’ ranks first on the list of the most dangerous words frequently appearing in emails, with a CTR of 4.56%. It has the second-highest infection/damage (83.56%), suggesting it is both popular and risky. 

2) Investment

The second on the list is ‘Investment,’ with a relatively low rate of appearances (226) and a high CTR of 4.59%. Interestingly, it has the highest infection/damage rate at 89.64%, making it the most dangerous term on the list. 

3) Credit

‘Credit’ holds the third position, appearing 726 times, which is a relatively high frequency. Its CTR is slightly lower at 4.22%, with a moderate infection/damage rate of 50.52%. 

4) Billion

In fourth place, ‘billion’ appears 107 times with a CTR of 3.97%. It has an infection/damage rate of 71.93%, which is the third highest among the terms. Compared to ‘investment’ and ‘credit,’ ‘billion’ is less frequently seen but has a similar level of risk, suggesting a potential cautionary interest from users.

5) Free

‘Free’ is ranked fifth and stands out with the highest appearance frequency (2,266) but the lowest CTR (0.56%). Unlike ‘money’ and ‘investment,’ which have high engagement, ‘free’ seems to be widely ignored, likely due to user skepticism.

6) Loan

‘Loan,’ in sixth place, appears 176 times and has a CTR of 4.31%. Compared to ‘free,’ ‘loan’ has a higher CTR and more moderate risk, indicating it is more trusted or relevant to users.

7) Debt

‘Debt’ is in seventh place, with 194 appearances, a CTR of 3.73%, and an infection/damage rate of 60.61%. This suggests that while ‘debt’ has moderate risk and engagement, it doesn’t attract as much user attention as higher-ranking terms.

8) Cash

‘Cash’ ranks eighth with 321 appearances, a CTR of 3.93%, and an infection/damage rate of 52.66%, placing ‘cash’ in a relatively safer category.

9) Cost

‘Cost’ is ninth, with the second-lowest infection/damage rate of 43.33%. Compared to terms like ‘investment’ and ‘money,’ ‘cost’ is relatively safe and moderately engaging, indicating that users find it less risky.

10) Income

‘Income’ is at the bottom of the list, ranked tenth, but it has the highest CTR at 4.68% and the lowest infection/damage rate at 32.26%. 

Be wary of suspicious looking emails

Every day, scammers are becoming more sophisticated in the increasingly digital world. They often use words like ‘money’ or ‘important’ to grab your attention and create a false sense of urgency or opportunity, making it easier for people to let their guard down. It’s important to identify these red flags and not take things at face value to avoid these dangerous schemes.’