How the Easy Business Club helped freelance fashion designer Eirini Scott

Thinking of joining the Easy Business Club? Find out how the year-long mentorship programme has helped freelance fashion designer Eirini Scott.

Eirini Scott is a freelance fashion designer and sourcing consultant specialising in kidswear. She joined the Easy Business Club in September 2023.

The Easy Business Club is a 12-month programme comprising online modules that help you establish the essential elements of a successful business, and monthly group mentor calls with Talented Ladies Club founder Hannah Martin. It’s a powerful process that can lead to profound change and progress.

Here’s what Eirini says of her experience on the Easy Business Club.

Which modules did you find most helpful? 

Productivity, Pricing and Marketing. Productivity really helped me with procrastination, especially blocking time and realising that every hour lost is costing me money. 

Pricing helped to change my mindset on pricing; this is a complete game changer for me as for the first time I feel that I am making money in my business. Most importantly, under Hannah’s one to one mentoring I got the confidence to increase my rates and view the worth of my offering under a complete new light.

I have found all the material and Hannah’s mentoring really useful and productive for my business. As soon as I started implementing strategies that I learned in the marketing module, I saw an increase of customer interest.

But what is even more exciting is the fact that I am now attracting the right type of customer for me and I have now got the confidence to say no to clients that are not a good fit.

How did the mentor calls help you?

Personal, actionable advice and encouragement from Hannah. Listening to the advice given to the other participants. Accountability on homework. Someone to talk to outside my business and looking at what I do objectively. All the advice given not only on the actual modules but also on mental mindset. 

Who do you think this course is perfect for? 

Creative freelancers, small business owners, people who had a break and want to get back to work, and people who are thinking about starting their own business. 

What positive changes have you experienced thanks to the course?

I am more confident in what I do and how I project this to others. This course has also taught me invaluable business practices that I honestly haven’t been taught while I was training as a fashion designer.

My business is moving towards the right direction and I can visualise not only where I would like to be, but also I know I can do it.

If you were recommending this course to someone, what would you say?

Great all around and easy to follow business course for any freelancer or business owner who hasn’t been taught the fundamentals of how to run your business. There are so many aspects in running your own business and all modules are easy to learn, digest and most importantly put into practice. 

The mentor calls with Hannah are an invaluable tool and why this business course stands out for me. It’s also worth mentioning that Hannah’s help extends beyond the mentor calls and she always responds to every email/ query that I sent her.

Want to join us in the Easy Business Club this year?

You can find out more about the Easy Business Club and book your place on this year’s cohort here. We can’t wait to see what progress you will make with Hannah’s help.

Hannah Martin is the founder of Talented Ladies Club. She’s an award-winning copywriter, qualified psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, and experienced business mentor.